Rising Rooted Collective

A transformational group experience for women who desire to live firmly planted in their truest, most authentically, aligned Self.

Real change is vertical.

Be part of a small group of women spending purposeful and meaningful time unearthing and planting your roots... discovering and creating your True Self.

Dig into the deepest parts of who you are, excavate your boldest truth, and live grounded in the fullest expression of yourself.

What’s included in the Rising Rooted Collective?

Four-day Rising Rooted Retreat

We'll start our 7-month journey excavating our roots and relaxing at a beautiful, retreat-worthy home in the Black Hills of South Dakota. You will enjoy rest in your own bed (possibly in a shared space) and savor amazing meals lovingly created for you by our in-residence chef. You are responsible for getting yourself to our weekend home-away-from-home.

Six Monthly Group Sessions

Each month, we'll meet for a half day session to dig into a root using discovery methods such as guided meditations, journal writing, reading, group discussions, intuitive guidance, intellectual art... and more. There will also be time for excavation using a 'Love Seat' approach where members can bring challenges or opportunities to the table for group coaching. 

Six Monthly Individual Conversations

You will meet with Lisa for a private, powerful deep dive once a month. You'll be able to schedule out six individual coaching sessions to integrate what you're learning during the program or bring new challenges or opportunities to this conversation. 

Excavation Workbook

To deepen your learning from the monthly sessions, Lisa will provide you with an excavation workbook filled with journaling prompts and practices to be completed weekly that align with each monthly root. 

Private Group in Braver Together

Enjoy staying connected with the group between sessions through the Braver Together Community. It's a digital place to celebrate wins, share learnings, ask for what you need, and offer encouragement. 

Weekly Community Check-ins

Use the private group chat in the Braver Together Community every week to share your aha's and progress. Regular check-ins are a powerful accountability tool for you, your goals, and your shared community.

What Inspired This Collective

My gift is creating spaces where women can show up as their bravest selves... not their best selves.

I created the Rising Rooted Collective because I believe in what's possible when women rise rooted in the truth of who they are. 

We've spent years getting in our own way... there are old stories, a nagging voice inside your head, and a few untrue things you believe about yourself that aren't serving the bigger work you're called to do. 

It's time to rise up. But before you can rise up, you must dig deep.

I've been digging deep these last few years and finally feel as if I'm planting roots that are my truest, most authentic self. Every day I strive to align my actions with who I choose to be,  live out my values,  talk to myself like I talk to the people I love, rewrite old stories into empowered truths, and thoughtfully honor the woman I'm becoming. 

How would you like to do the same? 

I've been a part of several collective experiences like this one, and each one has changed my life in a powerful way. My hope is that you experience the same kind of shift in your one, wild life. 

Transformation is messy but it's part of the process of growing into a braver, fuller expression of yourself. 

Together we’ll excavate and plant strong roots…

  • Rooted Heart

    The heart is the center of our emotions yet many of us don’t give ourselves permission to fully feel and welcome the messages our emotions are trying to tell us. In this session, we’ll practice emotional mastery, embrace the wisdom of our emotions (instead of avoiding or numbing them), and harness what we feel (or want to feel) to create what is purposeful and meaningful in our lives.

  • Rooted Mind

    What you think, you will become. It is your thoughts that create your choices that lead to your behaviors. If you’re inner narrative is filled with self-judgment, self-limiting beliefs, and negativity bias, it’s time to unlearn and relearn new mental habits that will help you flourish. In this session, we’ll explore how to create a more rooted mind by becoming aware of how you talk to yourself, changing the narrative, and building trust in your Inner Knowing.

  • Rooted Body

    We are inundated with messaging about age, beauty, body shape, and body size with enough force that pushes us into comparing ourselves to an unrealistic, conditioned expectation resulting in a shame spiral of not enoughness. This feeling of not enoughness spills over and poisons other fruit in our lives. In this session, we’ll cultivate the root of self-love, practice intuitive self-care, honor our changing bodies, and declare our own authentic beauty.

  • Rooted Self

    One of life’s biggest questions, “Who am I?”, gets at the heart of one of our most basic needs: our need for identity. Knowing (or remembering) who we are grounds us. It gives us courage and confidence. Our identity is made up of our values, purpose, experiences, beliefs, principles, roles, and relationships. In this session, we’ll work on creating a sense of self-identity... our true self. We’ll get as close to the real answer of ‘who am I’ as we can, which is simply ME.

  • Rooted Truth

    Cataloging stories are the brain’s way of making sense of the world while doing its job of keeping us safe. Stories are the drama about the data in our lives, and often those stories keep us from growing into the woman we know, in our hearts, we are. In this session, we will bravely uproot our stories, get curious about their origin, and rewrite them based upon inherent truth. Living rooted in truth brings self-acceptance, freedom, and grounded confidence.

  • Rooted Spirit

    The New Age definition of a spiritual awakening is when you no longer filter everything through Ego and come into a deep awareness of Self, realizing how you are inextricably connected to everyone and everything in the universe. However, in this session, we’ll be inviting a Spiritual Awakening by asking “What would happen if I wholeheartedly believed in Divine Order and was attuned to Divine Source? What fruit could I produce in my life when I take faith-inspired actions?”

Rising Rooted Retreat

October 26 - 29, 2023

44 ° North Lodge - Black Hills of South Dakota

During retreat, you’ll…

  • Meet and connect with other dynamic women who crave real relationships and who are ready to have real conversations about stuff that’s meaningful.

  • Learn the Rising Rooted model of transformation to understand the relationship between the conscious and unconscious, and how knowing this helps you create lasting change in your life.

  • Boldly claim the desires of your heart and begin to name the juiciest, most beautiful fruits you want to grow in your life.

  • Uncover the ways of thinking, being, beliefs, and stories that threaten your root system

  • Discover the power of being fully seen and fully known, held with compassion and empathy by the women who surround you.

  • Tap into your creativity and use art and journaling as a way to excavate your True Self

  • Commune with nature in order to connect with your True Self in a deeper, more inspiring way.

At retreat, we’ll lay the groundwork for our time together. You’ll have time and space to excavate by digging deep so you can intentionally plant and grow a strong, immoveable root system.

This Collective experience is for you if:

… you understand that head work isn't enough and you're ready to do some heart work.

… you want to experience what it's like to truly know yourself and actively create your life from the inside out.

… you want to rewrite the stories you've been living for so long and finally get out of your own way.

… you tend to wrestle with an inner critic, err on the side of perfectionism, live with nagging feelings of imposter syndrome, or never feel like you're enough.

… you are craving true connections with other women where you're met with curiosity, compassion, and support, while feeling seen, loved, and known.

…you have experienced conventional success but it left you feeling empty, and instead you crave groundedness in Self and wholeness of Self.

Yes… I want to live deeply rooted!

The investment for this 7-month Collective experience is $4200. Where there is not an application to join this Collective, Lisa has a few questions to learn more about why this experience is important to you.

Once you answer these questions, you’ll receive a welcome email from Lisa with more program details, payment options, and an invitation to join the Braver Together community. A $600 deposit will reserve your spot and you can choose to pay in full before the retreat or divide the remaining balance over six months. The investment includes retreat lodging (possibly in a shared space), food, and selected beverages, as well as lunch and/or snacks for monthly meetings. Travel to and from the retreat is not included.

All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted.

— Saint Teresa of Avila